Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Our Missional Design
Strategy - We join forces with you and ministries around the globe to multiply
our spiritual, financial and physical impact.
Compassion - Missions is your connection to a lost and hurting world. Our goal is to help you
create a habit of generosity that consistently connects your life with others.
Partnership - Our relationship with missionaries and organizations gives you the opportunity
to be MISSIONAL through your faithful financial and prayer support.
Strategy - We join forces with you and ministries around the globe to multiply
our spiritual, financial and physical impact.
Compassion - Missions is your connection to a lost and hurting world. Our goal is to help you
create a habit of generosity that consistently connects your life with others.
Partnership - Our relationship with missionaries and organizations gives you the opportunity
to be MISSIONAL through your faithful financial and prayer support.

Key Partnerships That Are Missional
Englewood Marketplace
This is our church’s outreach to the needy people of our community. Our Serve Day (mobile food distribution) and Senior Commodities (food distribution) help to provide hundreds of families with groceries, love, and guidance monthly.
Real Life Academy
Our educational classes and lab settings give people a way to discover and develop practical life skills. We are providing resources for people to find direction and the right path towards a missional life and destination.
We financially support both stateside and international missionaries who are on the front lines of reaching the lost, training leaders, and planting churches.
We partner with ministries who give Bibles to unreached people groups, dig fresh water wells, feed the poor, rescue people sold into slavery, care for the orphans, and educate the illiterate.
Join the mission
Being missional means moving intentionally beyond our own preferences, by making strategic decisions with our resources to point people to Jesus!
GIVE to make a difference in someone's life today!