Important Information about On Campus services
Please read the following carefully and completely.
During Phase 2, here is what to expect when you come to an in-person service.
1. We will only have a main service in the Sanctuary.
2. There will not be Kids Church or Early Childhood at this time.
3. If you bring your children or Remix students with you, do your best to help them social distance while on campus.
4. We will be required to limit our seating capacity in order to observe social distancing guidelines.
5. We are encouraging families who live together to sit together to accommodate more seating.
6. There should be at least 6 feet distance between family units.
7. Be aware of social distancing while you are on campus, doing your best to maintain 6 feet distance.
8. The coffee shop and NEXT Cafe will not be open.
9. Please refrain from hugs, handshakes, etc.
10. We will have hand sanitizer available in strategic areas in the building.
11. Water fountains will not be available. Please bring your own bottled water.
12. We will have a designated section in the Sanctuary for those who prefer to wear face masks.
13. Doors will open 10 minutes before service begins, please enter the sanctuary and find your seats.
14. If you are currently sick or are in one of the vulnerable categories (elderly or an underlying health condition), we will continue to offer Church Online, please stay home and connect online.
During Phase 2, here is what to expect when you come to an in-person service.
1. We will only have a main service in the Sanctuary.
2. There will not be Kids Church or Early Childhood at this time.
3. If you bring your children or Remix students with you, do your best to help them social distance while on campus.
4. We will be required to limit our seating capacity in order to observe social distancing guidelines.
5. We are encouraging families who live together to sit together to accommodate more seating.
6. There should be at least 6 feet distance between family units.
7. Be aware of social distancing while you are on campus, doing your best to maintain 6 feet distance.
8. The coffee shop and NEXT Cafe will not be open.
9. Please refrain from hugs, handshakes, etc.
10. We will have hand sanitizer available in strategic areas in the building.
11. Water fountains will not be available. Please bring your own bottled water.
12. We will have a designated section in the Sanctuary for those who prefer to wear face masks.
13. Doors will open 10 minutes before service begins, please enter the sanctuary and find your seats.
14. If you are currently sick or are in one of the vulnerable categories (elderly or an underlying health condition), we will continue to offer Church Online, please stay home and connect online.
A Letter from Pastor about On Campus services